Thursday, September 23, 2010

Operation Smile

Lately Coco and I have been able to help out at more community service events throughout Iquitos and with every opportunity it has been a priviledge to participate. And this week I was so happy that I had the opportunity to work with Operation Smile. I remember hearing about the organization years ago and I remember thinking that I would love to some day see it in operation and be able to help somehow. But the idea of volunteering with such an organization seemed out of reach because typically volunteers have to apply, then fundraise, then travel to the location. I overheard at a baby shower that a group of the Air Force wives were planning to go to the hospital in Iquitos where Operation Smile would be setting up for its surgeries.

Operation Smile comes every year to Iquitos, and there were a few patients returning for follow up evaluations. I was present at the site only for evaluations and the surgeries were occuring in the days following. As patients and families arrived I was helping with the picture taking process. All the patients have to have before and after pictures taken. So my job was to make the kids laugh so that they would smile and look at the camera. I can´t think of a better duty to have, really it was a pleasure. The children were so sweet and it was great to meet the volunteer team of doctors who were all from Peru. Over 80 patients came seeking surgery and most will recieve the surgery unless they have other medical complications. And the next stop for this particular Operation Smile team is Ecuador.

1 comment:

Mary Rose said...

this post made me SMILE. :D i <3 you, andrea denise starkey!