Lately I´ve been running and doing lots of yoga for my weekly exercise. I do yoga when it rains, and its been raining alot. And when it´s the early morning or in the early evening the temperature outside is actually bearable enough to run, although I sweat like crazy after only a few minutes. I just run a loop around my neighborhood until I´ve had enough. But it feels like a run in the jungle at some points because the neighborhood basically opens up right into a little piece of jungle. There was a beautiful sunset tonight as I was running, I´ve never seen the sky so pink. But by the time I ran to my house to capture it, the moment had passed. But here´s a few shots of the neighborhood by night.
I´m always happy to run home to my boys...these two and the husband.
I loved sunsets in the Philippines. I imagine your jungle sunsets are similar to my jungle sunsets. :) I admire you for running in the humidity. I've been doing a lot of yoga too. Let's me transcontinental yoga buddies!! :D
oh my gosh, I can´t even believe the sunsets here. I´ve never seen anything like it before. It´s like the sun sets all around you and there are bright pink clouds everywhere you look. I love it! And yes lets be long distance yoga buddies!
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