I went to my first soccer game this weekend. It was kind of awesome. Believe it or not, Iquitos actually has quite a large soccer stadium. We had a friend who was a friend of the team's doctor who was getting us in for free. But we had to wait outside behind a big gate for some body to come sneak us in. On the outside of the stadium there were plenty of children peering in, hoping for a chance to get inside.
The stadium was grand and full of local fans. Not many fans came to represent the other team. They can't take the heat. But from what Jorge told me, the stadium in Iquitos had a much calmer crowd then he typically sees in Lima. There was one particular roudy section that unanimously chanted things in reaction to the game. Like when the opposing team missed their shot at a goal it was "No pasa nada!" or "Nothing Happens!" And sometimes they chanted things I won't repeat here.
I loved watching the game. The players move so fast and their feet moved so strategically it sometimes looked like dancing to me.
We were well fed during the game. But instead of hot dogs and soda, we were offered shambo (popsicles made from regional fruits), chicha, chifles, and pork sandwiches.
The team from Iquitos, "CNI" was playing a team from the north of Peru. (http://www.cni.com.pe/)There is a huge loyalty here to the team and the CNI logo can be seen all over the city and all over people's tshirts and the back of mototaxis. In the end we won the game 2-1. And now I can't wait to go back.
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