So....we went to Lima again. I know what you're thinking, "Weren't you just in Lima like a week ago?" Well, you're wrong. It was like two weeks ago, okay! We had alot of wedding things to do. I am leaving for California soon and we had alot to accomplish. And I must say that we displayed quite an impressive sense of efficiency, hopefully we will be just as efficient in our marriage. (Haha) I had the final fitting of my dress, we got our rings, we combed the downtown area for wedding favors, Jorge indugled me while I searched for the perfect pretty Peruvian shoes to wear with my dress, picked up our airline tickets, and did alot of other things you probably woudn't care about. But we did manage to have some fun in the midst and it wasn't quite as hectic as the last visit.
One of the things I always remember my mom saying to me before she sent me anywhere on a trip were these words, "Don't forget to look up." So I always try to remember that. And she's right, if you don't look up you can miss alot. And I'm not sure why but on this particular weekend Lima seemed extra beautiful. Maybe it was the spirit of summer in the city. Either way I enjoyed it so much.
We discovered that cows had invaded the city. Cows had flocked to Lima and we found them all over the place. They were actually a part of an art installation that featured cows designed by Peruvian artists and depicted aspects of Peruvian culture. When they cows are finished being on display they will be auctioned off and all the proceeds will go to Peruvian charities. The Cow Parade has been used to raise money for charities around the world and has been done in other cities including Chicago, Tokyo, Madrid, Paris, and others. (
The following cow is probably my favorite. Any cow that is willing to just put her utters out there for everyone to see and not be ashamed of it is a cow I really admire. She looks like a sassy gal cow that I would most likely be friends with if she weren't a statue or a cow.
But really this cow is a tribute to a particular folkloric symbol in Peru. Jorge informed that she symbolizes an "ekeko" which is a figure from Andean culture which by legend was a fortune bearer.

Here's what wikipedia has to say: "The Ekeko is depicted as a man with a mustache wearing traditional Andean clothes (especially the poncho) and completely loaded with bags and baskets with grain and food, (compare with the cornucopia of some Greco-Roman deities), household objects, and currency bills, and basically anything that a person is thought to want / need to have a comfortable and prosperous life ; he is commonly found as a little statue to be put in some place of the house, preferably a comfortable one, but also as an amulet holding from key rings; modern statues of the god include a circular opening in his mouth to place there a cigarette (better if lit) for Ekeko's pleasure. Latest tradition has the Ekeko "smoke" a lit cigarette (hence the rounded mouth) once a year to ensure a full year of prosperity." (
Along with wedding errands and running with the bulls we managed to do a few other things. We wnjoyed a beautiful park in Miraflores, which is actually dedicated to former Prez, John F. Kennedy.
We visited the street where we met.
We perused downtown.
Visited an old postal museum. More on this later...I am planning on devoting a whole blog to it in honor of my dad: the Most Faithful Post Office Employee in the History of the United States Postal Service.
We went to an art museum.
We went to a fusion retaraunt (Italian and Peruvian Food) to celebrate Valentine's Day. It was friggin delicious.
We went to one of Jorge's favorite coffee shops and with our luck there was a live band playing beautiful music.
A busy weekend but a great one. Next time I go to Lima it will only be for a few hours before I get on the plane and head to California. Yay!
1 comment:
Annie! These are some of your most spectular pictures yet! Really beautiful. I like that "sassy girl cow" too. She looks like fun! Thanks for sharing!
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