Saturday, December 24, 2011

Decorating For Christmas

We have decorated our house for Christmas, well just the outside of the house. Something that makes me feel a little strange and homesick about celebrating Christmas in the jungle, is that it´s really hot here. And to me Christmas is supposed to be cold and snowy. I feel like it´s not really the season here for Christmas since it´s permanently summer. So, I decided to focus on wintery decorations to convince myself that its Christmas time. I hand-made a bunch of snowflakes and used the colors blue, silver, and white. Props to Coco for putting up all the lights and helping me shop for all the decorations. We actually had a ton of fun listening to Christmas music and decorating.

 We even managed to find some silver pine cones in the market of Belen. They obviously reminded me of the pine trees back home.

Below is a picture of the snowflake ornament my mother gave us. It was kind of our inspiration. And it´s hanging in the center of everything.

Coco was asked to decorate the squad so I helped my out a bit. I helped him decorate the tree and made him some snowflakes since he kindly requested me to make some. I think he did a great job putting it all together. Merry Christmas everybody!

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