Saturday, April 16, 2011

Coco´s Cat Mansion and an Update on the Little Rascals....

I feel it´s about time I update you on our children, Garlic and Pepper. It´s been awhile since you´ve seen their faces on here. They remind me of awkward teenagers right now...they kind of look like cats but are still acting like kittens. We love them and they make us smile and laugh so much, but they drive us a little crazy sometimes. For instance, they love to run around chasing each other and hopping on and off the bed every morning around 6:30am. And it´s like clockwork, they never let us sleep. They always drink from our water glasses if we leave them unattended. They love to leave their little paw prints all over our shower. They love to unroll the toilet paper, shred it, and leave pieces all over. But we know they both love to be with us, they follow us wherever we go, and we totally enjoy their company.

The each have their own little personalities. Mr. Garlic is an odd little fellow. We usually catch him most often doing something he shouldn´t be doing, and he breaks the rules right in front of us, like jumping up on the counters when we´re cooking. And he has a suspicious swagger to his strut. If I find a mess in the house I usually blame him first. Poor Garlic. But he´s still a little sweetheart. When we walk in the front door of the house he always comes to our feet, lays on his back, and begs to have his belly scratched.

Pepper is more calm and collected and we´re pretty sure he´s in charge of Garlic. Usually Garlic follows him around and looses when they have a kitty boxing match. Pepper looks like a panther and reminds me of one with his hunting skills. Pepper is also the cuddle bug of the two. He always lays at the foot of our bed and purrs and begs to be pet. And when Coco isn´t home, he takes over Coco´s spot next to me. He´s just as mischievious as Garlic, we just don´t catch him in the act as often.

Okay well now that you´ve seen the little critters, let me tell you about the master piece project my handy husband created. I can already tell he´s going to be the type of dad that spoils his kids because of the way he insists on spoiling these cats. Everytime we´re in the store he always buys a special treat for them and he has bought numerous toys, some of which they´ve never played with. He even bought them a special something on International Cat Day. Well the most ridiculous act of love and special treatment has been the construction of a fabulous cat house. He spent hours in the sweltering amazon heat with no power tools creating a four story multifuncitional cat mansion for our little children.

Please allow me to walk you through the fabulous features and ammenities to this litttle cat house. The first floor which is conveniently open on two sides has a built in scratching post to provide fleeting moments of entertainment.

The second floor can be entered through a beautiful arched doorway where inside one will find a luxurious mat for snoozing. The second floor is also a great quiet place to shut yourself off from the noises and brightness of the outside world as it is closed in on all sides.

Through the roof of the second floor one can conveniently pass through another carved hole onto the third floor. This floor is equipped a with its own ball to be tossed around in any direction desired. This also usually provides a few fleeting moments of entertainment.

Now onto the roof top or the fourth floor. Again, it can be conveniently entered from the floor below, and provides the best view of the house. Again a scratching post is featured here and most find it a fun place to jump up to or jump down from.

There isn´t a floor on this fabulous cat house that can´t be utilized. But this is a one of a kind build but Captain Coco may be willing to construct one for you and your family if you name the right price.


KaytieLuv said...

I love your kitties! And that mansion... amazing!

Annie said...

thanks katie! coco´s really proud of himself....haha.