Tuesday, February 28, 2012

It´s Official...We are moving to California!

Yes, we are moving to California...permanently. My husband has been approved and has recieved his resident visa. We are so overjoyed that this is actually going to happen. Moving to the States is something we´ve been planning for a while now, and Coco´s been dreaming of joining his family in California for years. Of course we had to keep it quiet untill it was a sure thing, but now we can let you all know what´s going on. A lot of research, money, time, effort, sweat, and tears has already gone into this project. I can´t even explain how stressful and frustrating the process has been at certain times. But it was all worth it. And we still have many challenges ahead...including selling everything we own, saying goodbye to everyone we love here (not knowing when we´ll be back for a visit), finding new jobs, starting all over.....etc. But there´s nobody I would rather be on this adventure with than my wonderful hubby. And with all the support of our family and friends, I know everything will be just fine. We are truly blessed. There are lots of details we just don´t have right now....like when exactly we will arrive. But we will most likely be there by April or May. We had one last bbq over the weekend as we have to begin selling everything and our house will soon start to feel very empty.

1 comment:

barbara said...

Annie & Coco, Well, as bittersweet as it will be to leave Peru, all of us in California are so excited to have you home! You are entering a new chapter in your life, and it will be challenging, but it will be wonderful. Your new bedroom and life await you!
Lots of love to both of you,
Mom and Dad