Monday, September 12, 2011

A Great Movie With Scenes from Peru

I don´t know if you all have seen this movie yet, but you have to! It´s in Spanish so you´ll have to turn on the English subtitles. It´s a great film about the story of  23 year old Ernesto Guevara who later became known as ¨Che Guevara¨ the Marxist revolutionary. The Motorcycle Diaries depicts the story of when he was a young medical student driving all throughout South America with his friend. A good portion of the movie is filmed in Peru, including scenes from Machu Picchu, Lima, and the Amazon River. The scenes in the Amazon are supposedly filmed in the 1950´s, but I´ll tell you that not much has changed in those little jungle towns. They still look just like that. And we actually recongnized a few extras in the movie. Like the man who owns the Tex-Mex restaurant in Iquitos. He appears in a scene on a river boat where a group of men are playing cards. Anyways, it´s great film that showcases so many beautiful things about Peruvian land and culture.

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