Sunday, December 20, 2009

Flight Group No 42 Celebrates Another Year

Jorge belongs to Flight Group No 42 here in Iquitos and there have been ongoing celebrations for the 46 anniversary of the Flight Group. The celebrations have included ceremonies and marches, most of which took place early in the morning (I slept through most of these). Also there have been soccer matches and lunches, again I slept through those. But I did make it to a morning of “Olympics.” This event was like a contest of athletic and somewhat silly events that put all of the Air Force staff against each other in different color teams. Our team, the “Green Team” sadly lost in this battle, but it was still fun.

The events included classic items like Tug-of-War, Relays, Potatoe Sack Race, and a Volleyball game. My favorite was the huge game of musical chairs in which the contestants were so rowdy that eventually they had to have their hands tied behind their backs. My other favorite was a game in which two opponents buzzed in to answer a question about Air Force Trivia. The loser of each round had to take a plate full of shaving cream to the face…awesome.

Before all the shenanigans (I love that word) of the “Olympics” started, I took a walk around the property. Here’s what I found….

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